понедельник, 30 мая 2011 г.

discovery related to thermonuclear fusion in the Sun.

I, Vladimir F. Vlasov, made the discovery related to thermonuclear fusion in the Sun. Explanatory comments can be found at http://n-t.ru/tp/ie/ts.htm and at http://thermonuclear.ucoz.com/. It is the nature of solar nuclear fusion seen from a new perspective. The proposed invention is "Method of Controlled Nuclear Fusion and Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor for Controlled Nuclear Fusion", patent pending No. 2005123095/06(026016). The said discovery offers answers to all theoretical challenges of thermonuclear fusion in the Sun, and – which is more important – technical solution to design of controlled thermonuclear reactor capable of running for a long time. Owing to this discovery even TOKAMAKs could be operable soon, provided they are supplemented with apparatus maintaining the necessary physical conditions for controlled nuclear fusion.

Vlasov’s Discovery
The main concept of the invention is based on the assumption that thermonuclear reactions take place within solar corona. There’s where physical conditions requisite for fusion reaction exist. Corona with plasma temperature of about 2 000 000 К provides for heating of solar surface up to 6 000 K, whereafter fuel mixture from boiling solar face evaporates towards the corona. The temperature of 6 000 K is sufficient for fuel vapors to cope with Sun gravitation. This protects the solar surface from overheating and maintains the surface temperature. Physical conditions encouraging thermonuclear fusion prevail close to combustion zone, i.e. corona. Contacting atoms of fuel mixture merge and synthesize new elements with simultaneous huge heat release. This combustion zone actually makes solar corona wherefrom the energy enters cosmic space as radiation and matter. Fusion of deuterium and tritium is assisted by magnetic field of rotating Sun, where they are mixed and pick up speed. Also, thermonuclear reaction zone promotes generation and high-energy movement towards evaporating fuel of fast electrically charged particles, as well as photons – electromagnetic field quantums; all these form essential physical environment for nuclear fusion.
Similar physical conditions, suitably close in parameters were used as the foundation of design of controlled thermonuclear reactor. Brief description and functional diagram of the invention are submitted in patent application No. 2005123095/06(026016) – "Method of Controlled Nuclear Fusion and Controlled Thermonuclear Reactor for Controlled Nuclear Fusion".
Simulated reproduction of physical setting of solar nuclear fusion is the essence of the proposed invention.
It has been over 60 years that physicists fail to produce controlled thermonuclear reactor. Novel perception of thermonuclear fusion provides solution for every technical and theoretical problem conundrum related to creation of controlled thermonuclear reactor. This is weighty proof of inconsistency of current outlook to thermonuclear fusion in the Sun.
Vlasov’s discovery could be submitted for expert review to the specialists in the field and competent authorities. Although it might resemble the stance of defendant deciding a case instead of a judge. Vlasov’s discovery goes against the grain of mainstream beliefs. Is it conceivable for the defendant to endorse the plaintiff’s claim and admit to being in the wrong? Whenever there is a disagreement between the two, the third party is to resolve the dispute, i.e. the judge who is expected to sort the matter out, gain an insight into heart of the problem, and resolve the issue in favorem veritatis.
It has become a globally adopted practice for government agencies and officers allocate funds for research and development. In other words, consummation of scientific concept financing rests with bureaucracy, and it is only natural to require proper awareness of scientific and technical essence of the concept. I assume that my application pertaining to ‘nuclear fusion in the Sun’ must be adequately understood by an independent official reviewer having no interests or connections in academic circles. Even a rank-and-file engineer can comprehend the core of Vlasov’s discovery.
The activities of typical physicists are constrained by the ideas of opinion leaders of the past. Rutherford and Eddington were the first to put forward the assumption of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions inside the Sun. Tamm and Sakharov proposed to make a magnetically insulated thermonuclear reactor. Lawson set up criteria for commencement conditions of controlled thermonuclear fusion. To speak up in a research community and oppose these giants will be the end of a learned career for any author.
It is easy to foresee the response of scientific experts. It won’t be so much the reaction of conservative researchers, but rather the retort of dogmatic readers:
«Controlled Nuclear Fusion is achievable at concurrent fulfillment of two prerequisites:
• plasma temperature must exceed 100 000 000 К;
Lawson criterion should be met: n • t > 5•1019 sec/m3 (for D-T fusion), where n – ion density, t – confinement time.
They would say that ‘in Vlasov’s concept of thermonuclear fusion in the Sun, in solar corona these criteria cannot be met’. They would definitely mention most blatant desecration of well-established physical notions.
That is the approximate response of scientific experts. However, when you see it, please bear in mind that for over 60 years these very experts have not succeeded in producing controlled thermonuclear reactor, and no operating reactor is being promised before 30 to 40 years in the future. That is, despite observing Lawson criterion in experimental thermonuclear facilities, and multitude of thermonuclear fusion design equations, living race will not see the positive outcome, namely running reactor. Scholars of authority fail to see and understand how thermonuclear fusion in the Sun should be going.
In theory, the following condition should be observed for thermonuclear fusion to generate energy: Nt > approx. 1020 where N – particle concentration (particle number in a cubic meter), and t – time (in seconds). This is Lawson criterion that defines the conditions needed for a fusion reactor to reach ignition.
The point is that once ignition temperature is achieved a compromise is necessary between particle concentration (or particle density) and the time of their confinement within the volume providing the required density. It is possible to ‘ignite’ thermonuclear fusion at lower particle density through longer plasma confinement, alternatively it could be achieved with lower confinement time yet higher particle density. Why no physicist has ever supposed that in addition to ion density and confinement time there are more criteria, physical parameters and conditions of thermonuclear fusion in the Sun? Why no physicist tries to understand that the value of particle confinement time on solar surface is much higher than that of ТОКАМАКs? For instance, none of the giants of today’s physics know for certain about solar flares or their physical nature? And what is going on in solar depths? No physicist can describe the dynamics of whatever is taking place there, however roughly, to say nothing of simulate these processes and come up with plausible calculations, even less so to provide solid evidence.
Physicists make assumptions towards the events inside the Sun, but they have to face many insurmountable theoretical [contrived] barriers. For instance, it is generally accepted that the temperature inside the Sun is in the range of 16 to 100 million degrees, while surface temperature is 5800 degrees, with up to а 2 million degrees in the corona!? None of the researchers has ever been able to provide coherent and unambiguous definition of this theoretical temperature inconsistency. Conventional rationalizations have serious weak points and fail to offer clear and thorough concept of the reasons for violation of laws of thermodynamics in the Sun. There are no natural physical phenomena to prove the probability of such temperature [leapfrog] sequence. That fact should have made the scientists to consider a different theory to explain solar thermonuclear fusion. However, thermonuclear bomb stereotype and assumptions of authorities in science do not license such a step.
To give the physicists their due, one cannot but acknowledge the fact that nuclear fusion bomb has been made and successfully tested, still controlled thermonuclear reactor will not run on the same principles as a bomb does. In the Sun thermonuclear fusion is going on in a different way. ITER-TOKAMAK Project in France is yet nonviable. If controlled thermonuclear reactor would not operate as a small-scale model, why should a bigger reactor model make it?
The present discovery is a novel insight into the nature of thermonuclear fusion in the Sun. Not a single scientist succeeded in disproving my innovative hypothesis. More than that, I enjoy approval and moral support of several dozens in physical science. Complete information on the discovery related to thermonuclear fusion in the Sun is in my exclusive possession! As soon as a deal or contract is concluded with me on transfer of know-how or technical matter, I submit to the other party the data pertaining to technical substance of the invention. The cost of concluding a contract is negligible, valuable commercial information will be handed over to the customer free of charge.

V.F. Vlasov,  mob. +79129250035, e-mail: v.f.vlasov@gmail.com
P.S. I have discovered a remarkable physical phenomenon. I have detected the means of energy release similar to nuclear reaction, yet free of residual radioactivity of reaction products. Power output is three times lower than that of nuclear decay. The equipment will be more sophisticated than the one for nuclear power station. Still it would be a safer and environmentally friendly method of power generation.
Some physicists consider solar neutrino emission the key proof of thermonuclear fusion inside the Sun. the issue of solar neutrino has been under scrutiny for a long time, yet in vain. «In 1968 Bruno М. Pontecorvo was the first to observe that oscillation could have explained the thinning of solar neutrino flow upon Earth». That is to say, he made a convenient empirical but unfounded and ‘tailored’ assumption.
I am cognizant of the works by А.А. Komar and А.V. Kopylov, that were published in Priroda (Nature), Russian Academy of Science magazine. The said publication only quoted the postulation that ‘within the solar neutrino flux en route from the core of the Sun to detectors on Earth electron-type constitutes no more than one-third of calculated values, the rest are non-electron neutrino (muonic and/or tau). Electron-type neutrino transformation into the latter by all appearances (?) should be due to oscillations**’. All conclusions are stochastic mathematical simulations. One cannot seriously believe them! The same publication mentions that in the course of researching the issue of solar neutrino various Sun model revisions have got prominent coverage, expressly those more or less dissimilar to the SSM (standard solar model). In other words, we are talking about farfetched premise of neutrino oscillations.
SNO (Sudbury Neutrino Observatory), after 30 years of unproductive experiments allegedly came to the following conclusions:
«— Solar neutrino problem is no longer the issue;
    Electron neutrino oscillations have been positively proved (ever since 1998 there have been formidable indications that muon neutrino oscillate while in transit through Earth);
    Existence of oscillations definitely signifies that neutrinos have mass ».
This experiment is not fit to qualify for authenticity and soundness.
Any such experiment should not be conducted in the deep of the Earth, rather as close to the Sun as possible so that neutrino oscillations could be measured, not determined by way of mathematical apparatus, without through-Earth transit to avoid foreign emittance impact.
It is generally known that neutrinos can only be observed in an indirect manner, and basically any outcome of such experiments would be a theoretical assumption.
For the purpose of construction of thermonuclear reactor, solar neutrino problem is not the most critical in understanding of the nature of solar thermonuclear fusion. Thermonuclear reactor per se has numerous built-in theoretical and technological problems unsolved for over 60 years, such as temperature conundrum. The reason lies in the erroneous perception of solar nuclear fusion.
V.F. Vlasov

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